The ABC of Computational Text Analysis

#3 Setting up your Development Environment

Alex Flückiger

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Lucerne

17 March 2022


  • research workflow 📑
  • interacting with computers 🪄
  • installation of programs 🔨

Recap last Lecture

  • textual data is challenging
  • machine-readable data

The Zen of Organizing

Research means Organizing

How a computational approach helps

  • scripts as documentation 📝
  • efficient automation ♻️
    • “don’t repeat yourself”
  • less error-prone 🤦‍♀️ 🤦‍♂️
  • reproducible 💯

Organizing Literature

  • manage literature in one place
  • generating bibliographies
  • collect with a click in your browser
Zotero is a free, open-source software for managing scientific literature


Operating Systems (OS)

Between hardware and programs

  • Microsoft Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux-based systems 🤓

User Interfaces

graphical user interface (GUI)

command line interface (CLI)

“An awesome Programmer saves the World”

Human-Machine Interaction

How to tell the computer effienctly

  • text commands instead of clicks
  • similar to human languages
    • syntax (form)
    • semantics (meaning)
  • computers are literalists


  • command languages
    • Bourne-Again shell (Bash), since 1989
  • programming languages
    • Python, R, Java, C++ etc.
  • instructions → program ≡ algorithm
    • cooking

Package Manager

  • automation of software installation

    • system: apt, Homebrew
    • Python: pip, conda
  • software dependencies

  • similar to app stores

Open-Source is a Mindset

Standing on the shoulders of giants

  • free + open software
  • cross-platform portability
  • collaboration
    • share + reuse
  • helpful community

Resources everyone is using

Learning by doing, doing by Googleing.

Set up your System

Backup 👹

You don’t need it until you desperately need it!

Setting up your Development Environment


  • Python 3.8
    • packages for NLP + visualization
  • Tesseract
  • various Bash tools
  • VS Code Editor

👉 Follow the installation guide for your OS.

It takes a while.

VS Code Editor

The Microsoft Word for coding

  • powerful integrated development environment (IDE)
  • cross-platform
  • interactive analysis
Write your first Python script in VS Code

First Steps in Python

Learn Python with interactive tutorials


optional: pimp your workflow

Healy, Kieran. 2019. “The Plain Person’s Guide to Plain Text Social Science.” online.



Healy, Kieran. 2019. “The Plain Person’s Guide to Plain Text Social Science.”